Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Today it's raining...

And I feel like listening to some light music. If you're from around here, there's a good chance you haven't heard song on this video. It's nice- a bit country with a Celtic touch.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

The May holidays

May holidays just ended. In Slovenia, 1st and 2nd May are public holidays, and since this year it happened on Thursday and Friday we got whole 4 days off work. Much needed I must say, though lately I have a feeling, that I come from holidays more tired than on work days.
Maypole above our village
Anyways- loads of things happened in previous month. I won't go much into detail about that, but at least some of those events were good. Some even very good; at least tamburica related events are here- our group got another gold award on national competition, and we appeared on tamburica festival in Banja Luka- and met some really great people there. More about that perhaps on some other occasion. Also nature did it's yearly miracle by turning brown and gray into green and colorful. It's amazing how this change affects us all- it's like we're give a great boost of energy and life. Good work- Green George!
I won't go into not so good stuff here. It's in human nature to remember good stuff in life, so I won't have a blog entry to remind me of those...
Well, let it be enough for now. I know that after one month break I probably should write a lot more, but today I just don't feel like it. ;-) Cheers!