Monday, November 27, 2006

The healing process

It's official. I survived first flu outbreak of the season. Still have sore throat and voice like Elvis, but with some luck I should be OK soon. My tip for those feeling they caught flu virus- drink a lot of fluids, and make sure your beer is not to warm. No, seriously. ;-)
Anyways, I'm getting my first and only day off this december on (next) monday. Reason - I'm going to London (or as Joey from Friends would say- London baby!!!). I love London. It's something completely different than sleepy, provincial Ljubljana. I mean don't get me wrong- if I was living in London I'd yearn for living in Ljubljana. But London fascinates me- so many people of all colours and languages. And it feels big.
I really need a weekend off from everything. Doing some sightseeing, meeting some people, and generally trying to have a good time.
To put some colour to The Neverland Times, here's a pair of the week. They are certain man's niece and nephew. As his brother said once: "We really make good looking children in our family". No comment needed, right? ;-)

And for the other picture this week- here's one of most special places for me. Not that much as a spiritual place, but more as a place of serenity...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Getting sick

Another monday, and I feel my throat is burning, and stomack start complaining. Ah, what can you do- we all get autumn cold from time to time. So, until further notice The Neverland Times is officially quarantined. Keep your fingers crossed and antibiotics ready... ;-)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Dreamtime...

There is time in every person's life when you feel like turning the volume up on those blues songs. Howlin' Wolf, B.B.King, Muddy Waters- they seem like expressing those feelings that bubble up in you, and make you feel alone. The base line, guitar, and the soothing deep voices.
Tonight is one of those blues nights. Don't ask me why, and why today. Just put one of those blues records in your CD player, and listen to the songs. There's a good chance they'll be singing about my kind of blues...
The Australian Aborigines call the creation of the universe the Dreamtime. I always thought that is a nice, good way of looking at religion and universe as a whole. We, all people tend to find reasons about our living, the wonders of nature in so many different religions. Why putting God / different deities in our -already so complex world? I guess we need something to make our fragile lives not so much fragile. Aborigines believe that at the beginning of time the "heroes"/"heroines" - some kind of deities travelled across formless lands, creating sacred sites, mountains, seas, and all life which populates the world. They say the creation looked and felt like a dream. What would quantum physicists say about the concept of basic building blocks of everything as pieces of one big dream? And God as a dreamer. With all the tragedies, and inhumanity in this world, I'd say He/She would have very Homo Sapiens kind of dreams. Capable of incredibly violent, but also incredibly good deeds. Wherever the truth is- let's hope that if God is indeed a dreamer- may he have peacefull dream and may he not wake in any near future.
Enough of a Dreamtime. I hope you don't get the blues as often as I do lately. But just in case - keep those records handy....

Monday, November 06, 2006

Starcevacka tamburica...

Just came back from 2 day trip to Serbia, where our tamburica group - Viniski tamburasi performed at tamburica festival "Starčevačka tamburica 2006".
More on that with pictures later- just let me say here we had a great time, did a quality performance, and heard and talked/played with many terrific tamburica bands. There were groups from all the countries of former Yugoslavia + two bands from Hungary/Romania.
All in all- great craic, great people, and I definitively want to come back...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The autumn morning by Kolpa

It was one cold monday morning at the end of October, and I had a day off work before holidays. As sun was just starting to lift fog around my place I had a strong desire to take a walk. A LONG walk. And since there was my brother around, I asked him to take me to Radenci, a small village some 15 km from Vinica just before Kolpa enters a canyon.

Kolpa is a river- for those of you, who didn't know. It starts in Croatia, than joins the border with Slovenia just above Osilnica. It makes a border all the way to Metlika, where it winds back to Croatia until it finally joins with Sava near Sisak. It is one of best kept secrets of both countries. Even in summer, when many tourists flock to its warm waters for swimming and canoeing, there are many places where it feels like you are standing at the last frontier. Thanks to the remoteness of the region where Kolpa flows for most of the time- rugged mountains covered with ancient forests, with only few narrow roads winding along the way- its miles away from the urban troubles we live in.

Almost all the way to the place where I live - Vinica in Bela krajina, Slovenia- Kolpa is flowing in a narrow canyon, only occasionally the valley opens a bit. One of these places is a village Radenci, where the Radenci-Damelj walkway starts. It is a path in the canyon just next to the river. It is easy walking - going down to the river. For most hikers it takes some 3 hours with normal pace.

This was not my first time taking this walkway. But thanks to the autumn colours of forests, mist just rising from the river- this all meant this time was even more special.
You start the walk on alluvial plain next to the village of Spodnji Radenci. The fog was just beginning to lift, and sun rays were already penetrating through clouds...

In few hundred meters the path joins the river. Since it wasn't raining for quite a while the water levels were low. Kolpa was cristal clear- mists were dancing above the river, slowly drifting as wind was carrying them down the river.
The path is usually winding just a meter from the river. With the autumn coloured trees, and perfect stillness around it looked like a scene from a fairy tale.

The steep canyon walls are rising above the river. As the path leads to the east I had sun almost directly infront of me for most of the way. If I was going later during the day it would be hidden behind these steep hills.
There used to be water mills virtually every few kilometers on Kolpa at the start of 20th century. Dams made out of stone were diverting power of the river to the mill. Nowadays most of these mills and dams stay in ruins. One of these is also next to the carst cave Kobiljaca.
There are few other attractions you see on this walkway- water springs, caves, ruins of buildings constructed with only stone... What impresses me most every time I take this path is the peace you encounter there. There is a good chance you won't see a soul all the way to Damelj. Only singing of birds and occasionaly fish jumping out of the water might accompany the sound of your footsteps....

Anyways.... In case any of you feel like experiencing this path. Kolpa and its canyon is most beautifull in late spring and mid-autumn when leaves change color. These are times when you might see only occasional hiker for all the length of the path.

My journey that monday finished just before noon in village Damelj. I recharged my batteries. And so can you....