"We are naked, lance-constable!"
"Only technically. This mud really sticks."
"I mean underneath the mud!" said Angua.
"Yes, but if we had clothes on we'd be naked underneath them too!" Sally pointed out.
"This is not the time for logic!" This is the time for not seeing Nobby grinning at me!"
"But he's seen you when you're a wolf-shaped hasn't he?" said Sally.
"So?" snapped Angua.
"Well technically you're naked then, aren't you?"
"Never tell him that!"

Just a snap from Terry Pratchett's deadly funny Discworld novel THUD!
It's actually much funnier when you're familiar with the whole context. Angua is a were-wolferin, Sally is a she-vampire. They're both serving in Ankh-Morpork City Watch. And so is corporal Nobby Nobbs- the acne-faced, cabbage smelling, former member of guild of thieves (I'm not sure of that- he's a kleptomaniac anyway). He's also better known as the guy who's been turned down by women so many times (because of many reasons including SMELL), he's got the courage to ask even most beautiful women on a date.
OK, to make a long story short- both female officers just came out of dwarf mine narrowly escaping mud flooding. They're both naked- Angua because she was wolf part of the time (and lost bag with clothes), and Sally because she apparently used her alter form as 100+ bats who can't remember to take her clothes when she changes shape. And just as they managed to (almost) reach the exit Angua picked up a smell of fellow officer Nobby Nobbs (which aparently has a very distinct smell).
Anyway- it's a deadly novel, as most of Discworld novels. Terry Pratchett is a master of mixing great fantasy with issues relevant in modern times. The story is evolving around the anniversary of Koom Valley battle- where dwarfs ambushed trolls, or trolls ambushed dwarfs (nobody is really sure). Since it's an anniversary the tensions are high, and Ankh-Morpork City Watch (which employs among others dwarfs, trolls, couple of golems, one Igor and Nobby Nobbs :) commandeered by Sam Vimes is the only force which can stop a bloodshed of forgotten battle. Pratchett manages to incorporate modern issues- like racial tension, and social differences in a way the whole story is incredibly funny I read 450+ page paperback (in English language) in 3 days after work. I really recommend it. And I'm even not being paid for that. :-)
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