Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Schengen fest 2008

Main stage (actually only stage ;-) at the festival
Last weekend biggest musical festival in Bela krajina this year- Schengen fest in Vinica took place for the first time. It was a much-needed refreshment for musical scene in this part of Slovenia. After Koupafest ceased 4 years ago nothing at such scale was going on. There were concerts here and there but for anything bigger you had to travel a bit further. Hopefully Schengen fest is here to stay. Judgin by its inaugural year it's refreshing, set in good location, organized by people who (although they still need to learn a lot) took a lot of effort. First Schengen fest didn't attract many sponsors, nor visitors, but those who came have a lot good to say about it. There were 6 artists/bands who performed on Friday and Saturday- all of them Slovenian, but they sure got people going. On Friday local Bela krajina band E.S.F. warmed crowd before more renowned artists - rapper 6 pack Ĩukur and later Alya. On Saturday I.C.E., superb Magnifico and Rock defect took stage.

Magnifico - Land of Champions
All in all- it was great two nights, packed with good music and great company. I'm sure not just for me. All bands were good, but Magnifico simply kicked ass- he got people in trance- dancing, jumping and singing along. I hope we can all look forward to Schengen fest 2009?

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