Kolpa is a river- for those of you, who didn't know. It starts in Croatia, than joins the border with Slovenia just above Osilnica. It makes a border all the way to Metlika, where it winds back to Croatia until it finally joins with Sava near Sisak. It is one of best kept secrets of both countries. Even in summer, when many tourists flock to its warm waters for swimming and canoeing, there are many places where it feels like you are standing at the last frontier. Thanks to the remoteness of the region where Kolpa flows for most of the time- rugged mountains covered with ancient forests, with only few narrow roads winding along the way- its miles away from the urban troubles we live in.
Almost all the way to the place where I live - Vinica in Bela krajina, Slovenia- Kolpa is flowing in a narrow canyon, only occasionally the valley opens a bit. One of these places is a village Radenci, where the Radenci-Damelj walkway starts. It is a path in the canyon just next to the river. It is easy walking - going down to the river. For most hikers it takes some 3 hours with normal pace.
This was not my first time taking this walkway. But thanks to the autumn colours of forests, mist just rising from the river- this all meant this time was even more special.
You start the walk on alluvial plain next to the village of Spodnji Radenci. The fog was just beginning to lift, and sun rays were already penetrating through clouds...

Anyways.... In case any of you feel like experiencing this path. Kolpa and its canyon is most beautifull in late spring and mid-autumn when leaves change color. These are times when you might see only occasional hiker for all the length of the path.
My journey that monday finished just before noon in village Damelj. I recharged my batteries. And so can you....
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