Monday, January 08, 2007

Feels like October

The weather's having serious issues. After winter fairy tale back home on 2nd January, the global warming and El Nino took it over. 14 C and drizzle during day isn't really winter, is it? Feels like Ireland a bit. Only grayer.

Kylemore Abbey, Connemara, Ireland

If for anything- this kind of weather is good to catch up on one's correspondence, maby for posting a blog entry (haha), and just lazying around. I'm goot at that. ;-)
Take care, and use public transport!!! ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hay sweetie I am just informing you that you spelled GOOD wrong you have it as GOOT ohhh and there is another one lazying so is this laying, lazy or lazing... but other then this I thing this is great that you are bloging this lets Robi and I keep in touch with you boys... I know he enjoys these and the Pix are beautiful.. hope to read more soon