Sunday, January 21, 2007

The 4 seasons

After I already bitched about the weather, it's time to see some consequences, right? ;-) Anyway, as I mentioned in one of my previous posts, there's a really awsome walking path in the Kolpa river canyon, few miles from where I live. I already had some pictures of river and it's surroundings in spring and summer, and with pictures in that blog entry I also had another season covered (autumn if anyone was wondering). So, what's left is - winter. And this is where trouble start of course. ;-) No snow yet, and although there are some vague mentioning we might get some next week, I think I might rather stay on pesimist side on this issue.
So, armed with my camera I boldly headed to the wilderness this saturday, the 20th of January. With warnings like: "Make sure you don't get lost" (It's a RIVER canyon for God's sake) and "Aren't you afraid of bears" (It IS a bear country. And they probably don't have much sleep in this heat. But I really doubt any bear would be prepare to face me.). To take pictures of how Kolpa looks in winter (not). Actually I just really wanted to have a long walk away from civilization. With that I was succesfull. They extended the path all the way to Vinica. Or it'd be better said, they made a new path from Damelj to Vinica, and they named it "Mlinarska pot" (Mill path- named after all those watermills that used to run on this river).
What can I say- it's nice. It's good. I might still prefer the Radenci-Damelj path (because it's completely in wilderness). After Damelj canyon soon widens, and there's place for small villages and fields. But altogether it's really great. I had a great walk, after 4 hours it took me to come to Vinica I even climbed Zezelj (hill above Vinica) on the way back. I didn't however take many pictures. And that's just because I still hope to get some with snow. And barren trees as surroundings is rather a bit depressing. But anyway, here are some...
Watermill and damp ruins (Kobiljača)

The water pours from hundreds of small brooks in canyon

A view from up the canyon on Krivec watermill

Sunset view from Zezelj of Vinica with Kolpa


Anonymous said...

WOW! Really good pics. I hope I'll be able to check out the whole path myself any day. Although I'm not getting anywhere close to that water with a camera again!

Primvs said...

They found your mobile BTW. Somewhere near Zimnicea, Romania. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... so maybe some gipsy girl is using it for hot line now! Well.. at least some long hot talks on that phone. The batery that you got me was still working better than in the one that I've got afterwards *smrk,smrk*